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"Play Your Part in Being the Change": Interview with Saira Zahid

Updated: Mar 13, 2021

Saira Zahid's personal story of her experiences as a cyclist have been shared on our platform, but Afsana wanted to learn more about her personal efforts in social activism and community empowerment for female cyclists in Skardu. The founder of Afsana, Sarah Khan, was able to interview Zahid to hear about her efforts which also encompass larger issues in Pakistan, including supporting targeted populations in Pakistan and building interfaith and cultural harmony across different communities.

The founder of Afsana, Sarah Khan, sits down with Saira Zahid, a cyclist based in Skardu, Pakistan.

"By only identifying the problems, you cannot do anything unless you do it yourself. You must try to do something. You have to play your part."

To learn more about playing your part, as Saira said, listen to the full interview below to hear more.

One way that you can play your part is by supporting our work at Afsana.

To begin supporting Afsana, you can read Saira's personal story about becoming an award-winning cyclist in Pakistan here. You can also learn more about our fundraiser for the Muhammadia Learning Academy here, and you can donate to them here. Any help will be greatly appreciated by the community and will go on to serve the future generations in the region!


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